Take part of the sea parade with your friends and family!

The most magnificent sea parade in history on July 14th on Tallinn Bay!

On July 14th at 12 pm, the Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 sea parade will commence, where the ships of the international sailing training regatta will join the boats competing in the A. Le Coq 67th  Moonsund Regatta. This unique joint sea parade will offer a spectacular sight on Tallinn Bay that the city has never seen before!

Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 will bring over 60 sailing ships from 16 countries to the sea parade. Both the sailors of the A. Le Coq 67th Moonsund Regatta and those not participating in the regatta can join the parade by registering here: https://forms.gle/MsNQ3EK4t5axenWs5

All A. Le Coq 67th Moonsund Regatta boats:

  • The Moonsund Regatta boats will gather on the Pirita side of the shipping route. Please see the map below - there are coordinates of the cathering point we will meet the sea parade at 12:30 pm! 
  • The route for the Moonsund regatta boats at the sea parade: Vanasadam - Pirita - Miiduranna Harbor. The parade will end near Miiduranna Harbor (colour red on the map). We will not enter the harbor. 
  • Sea parade communication channel: VHF 74. 
  • Parade speed: 3-4 knots. 
  • Note: Before registering, please read the following announcements and requirements:
  • A detailed parade guide will be emailed to you before the parade.
  • Participating ships need a VHF radio!
  • During the parade, ships must follow the lead ship and maintain communication on channel VHF 74, from which instructions will be given.
  • The parade will be divided into columns, with a separate lead ship at the front of each column, which must not be overtaken.
  • Participating vessels starting from Vanasadam will cross the shipping route, making communication crucial. If necessary, we will stop and let large ships pass.
  • The parade ends near Miiduranna Harbor.

The head of the maritime parade is Lauri Väinsalu, the coordinator of maritime activities for Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024.