Competitors' check-list before the race

1. Team list on Manage2Sail – before the captain or responsible person registers the competing boat at the regatta office at the Kalev Yacht Club on July 13-14, all crew members' information must be entered into the Manage2Sail system. Changes to the boat's information, including crew members, can be made by the person who completed the initial registration.

Note: If you increase the number of crew members, Manage2Sail does not automatically recalculate the new participation fee. Please calculate the participation fee yourself according to point 5 of the NOR fees and pay to the bank account indicated in the NOR and in the Manage2Sail confirmation letter.

If you notice that your registration status is shown in red, something is missing from your registration – either license numbers, participation fee payment, or insurance policy. If you find that you cannot change the information, please call +372 553 1347 or send an email to

2. Ensure all Estonian competitors have an EJL racing license – You can obtain the license HERE!

Note: In the Manage2Sail system, you must enter the racing license number, not the personal identification code, in the "NationalID/License" field. You can find the racing license number HERE by entering the sailor's name in the search. Each year, a new racing license must be purchased and a new number obtained – check to ensure that last year's information has not been automatically carried over to the competitor's details.

3. ORC certificate – The ORC certificate must be issued no later than July 8, 2024. Otherwise, an application must be submitted to the technical committee with an explanation of the reason.

4. Fulfill other requirements for registration – All documents can be found on the official notice board on Manage2Sail.

Note: Has the insurance policy been sent to or submitted via the Manage2Sail? Are you prepared for the equipment inspection? Instructions for the pre-race inspection can also be found on the official notice board. Equipment inspections will be conducted according to a schedule, which you can register for digitally HERE.

5. Verify the required liability insurance (500,000 €) – Send the insurance policy conveniently to the organizer through your personal account on Manage2Sail, which replaces the requirement stated in the NOR to send insurance to

If you wish to purchase insurance from us, you must act quickly – this cannot be done at the regatta office and must be completed no later than Thursday, July 11, 2024. You can find liability insurance offers on the official notice board under "Other Notices".

The insurance can be arranged by the person who completed the registration by logging into their personal account – find the regatta under events, click on My Registrations, then click EDIT, proceed to select INSURANCE. Payment for insurance must be made separately via bank transfer in the amount of 110 euros to Kalev Yacht Club MTÜ, account EE361010220275371224 with the reference "Muhu Väina regatta 2024, boat sail number, and insurance".

If you do not have access to your Manage2Sail account, please submit a request at the following link:

6. Yachts displaying advertisements must have an Estonian Yachting Union (EJL) advertising permit. The advertising permit can be ordered from the EJL web store.

7. During the regatta, each competing boat must use the Traccar application for Android or iPhone – Traccar Client – to track the boats. Instructions for using the Traccar Client app can be found on the official notice board on Manage2Sail.

8. During the regatta, we use WhatsApp for communication of race-related messages and information. Download the app from the App Storest or Google Play and join the group HERE.

9. Bow number stickers – During registration, boats will receive both a RIGHT and a LEFT side bow number sticker, with instructions on how to apply them provided in the sailing instructions. Please ensure careful application so that the bow number is positioned as far forward as possible, with the number part facing forward. Incorrectly applied bow numbers will require purchasing a new set at your own expense.

10. Do you remember how to use the VHF radio transmitter correctly? Check the instructions HERE, print them if necessary, and place them in an easily accessible location on your yacht.

For fast information

On this website we have gathered all the necessary information from the port events to sponsors' offers, links to photos and videos, news, etc. On the website, you will also find a link to the official notice board of the regatta, located in the Manage2Sail website. It contains all the information related to the competition from the race officials and the results.

To stay updated and receive notifications when new information is added either to the official notice board on Manage2Sail or on this website, the best way is to join the WhatsApp group. Only the organizers will post there. Click on the WhatsApp logo, and you will automatically be in the group.

Share your regatta experience

Share your regatta experience with both the organizers and your friends! In addition, sponsors will reward the best teams that have posted pictures and videos at each stage. Therefore, always tag your photo with @muhuväinaregatt #muhuväinaregatt.

You have medic on board? We kindly ask you to inform organizers, so we will know, who can help us in case of an emergency! Please fill in a very short Google form here or send en email to with title MEDIC ON BOARD (and yachts name) with contacts of medic! Thank you!

Support truck

Logistics partner DSV Estonia makes sailors' lives easier!

The A. Le Coq 67th Moonsund Regatta support truck transports sailors' equipment from marina to marina free of charge.
On Sunday, July 14, the vehicle will be at Kalev Yacht Club from 4 PM to 8 PM. Going forward, the truck will be available in the mornings before the races start and in the evenings. We will notify the WhatsApp group of the evening closing times of the truck. At the end of the regatta, the vehicle will return to Tallinn, to the Kalev Yacht Club.

The support truck has two important people who will help load and unload items in every possible way: the driver Uve Kruusamäe, ph +372 511 9126, and the logistics specialist Henri Paet, ph +372 5374 5762.

Parking cars at Kalev Yacht Club

Starting from Thursday, July 11th, car access to the Kalev Yacht Club marina will be restricted, and there will be limitations on movement on the quay due to the setup of the regatta village, which we kindly ask you to follow.

Starting from Friday, July 12th, driving cars within the marina will only be allowed in coordination with the harbor master (harbor master Andres Tamm, phone +372 53 010450) and according to his instructions. We ask for your understanding! 

Parking outside the harbor area will be in accordance with city notice boards - please note, most of Pirita has paid parking.

Massage services in marina

Massage services are offered by Krista Liiv and Elo Algma in their massage bus (to book an appointment, you can call Krista at 5031828 or Elo at 56359313).

You can find their massage buses in our marinas in Tallinn, Kärdla and Haapsalu.