A. Le Coq 57th Moonsund Regatta is Open - Day 1 in Kärdla marina |
The first day of the regatta in Kärdla harbour. Arrivals, preparations, joyful get-togethers, registrations, measurements, regatta for the masters, festful moments and the opening ceremony - lots of great emotions! The party has started!
The Opening Ceremony of the A. Le Coq 57th Moonsund regatta. Welcome speeches were given by Mrs Urve Tiidus, the Ministry of Culture of Estonia; Mr Georg Linkov, Mr Kalev Vapper, the Commodore of the Kalev Yacht Club; Mr Jüri Sõber, the Commodore of Pärnu Yacht Club; the participants of the first Moonsund regatta (1958) Mr Ülo Vooglaid and Mrs Aime Kreis.
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